To ensure our project will succeed by the end of this semester, we have a timeline that we follow:
Week 1
Submission of Curriculum Vitae to determine the groups
Week 2
- As a group, establish a Wiki page and come up with the back brief of our project.
- Having a Facebook group for easier communication
Week 3
- Deconstruction of the Honda CB750
- Take photos and use images for photo stitching
- Get SolidWorks running and learn the software through tutorials
Week 4
- Start modelling parts of the bike with SolidWorks
- Develop photo stitch model
Week 5
- Continue modelling
- Start planning for presentation on Week 7
Week 6
- Continue modelling
- Refine the content for our communication presentation
Week 7
- Communication Presentation held during tutorial
- Continue modelling job
Week 8
- Formalise Solidworks models, in particular the Featherbed frame model
- Continue developing required solidworks models
- Individual milestone submission due Sunday 5th of May 9pm.
Week 9
- Final refinement of all solidworks modelling
- Research of engine frame bracket mount designs
- Development of a new engine frame bracket mount
Week 10
- Prototype proposed engine frame bracket mount
- 3D hybrid motorcycle assembly model
Week 11
- Quote engine frame bracket mount
- Quote production of other required mechanical parts and processes
Week 12
- Finalise Wiki page
- Upload all resources
- Create final presentation in pdf and with prezi
Week 13
- Project Black final presentation
Individual Roles and Contributions:
- Wiki Developer
- Secretary
- 3D Modeller
- Researcher
- Designer
- Documenter
- Take notes during tutorials, and during group meetings and discussions
- Maintaining the group Wiki page constantly to make sure it's in good maintenance
- Take photos of the frame and upload photos
- Creating photo collages to post on Wiki page
- Writing up individual content for first group presentation
- Did tutorials on SolidWorks
- Take photos of parts of the bike that I'm in charged of and created photo collage
- Measuring up my parts to enable modelling job
- Modelling
Individual Milestone
For my individual milestone, I wish to accomplish personally my modelling skills with the SolidWorks software. At this stage, I have managed to model the different elements that made up the bike and the modelling progress is shown through my weekly progress submission on the blog. Individual milestone to me means showing a productive and efficient progress in order to produce quality project submission by the end of this semester.
To deliver our group project successfully, the design phase is very important and plays a huge role as it involves modelling job and my part as a modeller, I find it interesting and difficult at the same time because it requires a lot of time and effort as our access and resources about the bike is very limited and we have to measure up the dimensions and analyse how it should be modelled. And because the black project is not like our ordinary designed-based projects, it is very challenging because we need to increase our knowledge on this so that we have a better understanding of the project.
Other than the modelling which people find more appealing in terms of visual, there are actually a lot of behind the scenes job that people could not see, which is the housekeeping part that needs to be taken care of. That important item or element is as important as designing and that is developing and updating the Wiki page. Along with the group leader, I am developing, editing and updating the group's Wiki page so that the page is up-to-date. This is very important as our assignment is marked based on individual blogs and for the group, it is the Wiki page. The Wiki page not only acts an assignment criteria but also as a source that is accessible and viewed by the public and therefore to our group, the Wiki is quite significant as the Wiki will go on even after out group project has ended.
Wiki space:
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