Sunday, 24 March 2013

Week 3 Progress Work

This week, we started the deconstruction of the Honda CB750. We took photos of the Honda for photo stitching. Also, after planning and discuss the best way to model and to present end product, the best choice is the model the elements of the bike using SolidWorks tool.

Individual Role for this week

My role for this week is to be involved in the house keeping part which is to manage the group's Wiki, take photos of the progress and do a simple photo collage to show the frame of the Honda, editing and selecting necessary photos to post it on Wiki. Other than that, I have to keep track of what we're doing and everyone's weekly progress and update it on our Wiki timeline so that everyone is sure of what their individual role for this week. In addition to that, we have to do research and tutorial about the bike and SolidWorks as it is a tool that we are not familiar with.

Images of the frame

Result from photo stitching

Time Lapse Showing the Deconstruction Process

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Week 2 Progress Work

This week, the task is to establish a Wiki and creating a back brief that contains information about our project. The group has come up with a group name and we will now call ourselves Shades of Black. All members in our group has agreed to stay in touch with each other through a facebook group and there we will have discussions. It is a good way of communication outside the classroom.

Task due 18th of March >> Group Wiki, back brief

Please visit to see our group's Wiki page. 

Group name: Shades of Black


Our Mission
To bring the best of British and Japanese motorcycle manufacturing together.Using Computer Aided Manufacturing techniques we will be adapting the design of a Norton Featherbed Slimline Frame to suit the engine of a Honda CB750, with the view of creating a fully functioning hybrid motorcycle.

The Challenge
To accurately model a 3D bike frame and engine.
Identify required modifications of frame using clash detection technology and design necessary amendments to house new engine.
Use CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) techniques to implement modifications.

An accurate 3D model of the Norton Featherbed Slimline Frame with adjustments required to house Honda CB750 engine.
An invaluable, trialled and tested resource for achieving a similar objective.

Due to the nature of the project , as a group we've decided to assign roles on a weekly basis; we are dealing with unknowns and have no prior experience working on a project of this nature. Each week we will evaluate and discuss our work and findings within the group. This will help establish areas within the project which need to be considered, as well as identifying which areas of the project require the most attention.

We have decided to collectively disassemble the Honda. In order to work together efficiently we must all understand exactly what we are dealing with and educate ourselves on the basic structure of the bike. This task will be an effective team building exercise for the group to establish working relationships and a clear team culture.

We have chosen to manage our team with Agile Development method because as a group, we thought that it would be the most effective way of making progress from time to time. The main benefit of agile development is that we are able to respond and deal with the issues that we have quickly and able to proceed to the next phase and thus it challenges our ability of quick decision making.

To make this project work using Agile Development, we hold on to a few principles:

  • Active involvement of team members
  • Collaboration of team members whose task varies weekly
  • Complete tasks given according to the fixed timeline
  • Ensure all features are completed before moving on
  • Make sure deliverables are of high quality